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Are You Like the Slinky Dog?

Have you seen any of the Toy Story movies? They are just so cute! I love Slinky Dog. He cracks me up! Maybe you even had a slinky dog as a kid? Man, there were some cool toys in that movie!

You know my mind just can’t help but see the emptiness within this toy. How many times in life are we smiling and “doing life” yet we are hollowed out in the middle? We are running on fumes!

In Matthew 4:4 Jesus says “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” Today we have the opportunity to feast on God’s Word through regular and consistent Bible reading.

Let me ask you:

Are you starving?

Are you running on fumes?

I hear the stomach growl - it’s a hunger for the Lord!!

The truth is if you and I are not ‘feeding’ on God’s Word daily we are just like this slinky dog. Everything else leaves us empty!!

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” - Matthew 5:6

Getting started on a Bible reading can feel daunting. One easy way to get started is to read one chapter of Psalms or Proverbs. They are full of easy-to-grab truths that will really sustain you! YouVersion offers an excellent app for reading scripture on your smartphone!

However you read the Word, I pray you will be filled up. I would love to hear what you are reading these days. Let me know in the comments!

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