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Crowning Glory

The weight of the world is on my mind this morning - how it gets heavier and heavier until our crown collects so much dust and dirt that it just slips down on us so that we can’t even see straight.

Crowning glory. Hmmm…

God is faithful to bring scripture to mind. As I was contemplating this, I heard the words from Isaiah 53:4a play in my head “Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows.”

Often it happens that I will hear a phrase or be reminded of words that take my thoughts right to what God wants me to be fixed on. I hear the words “crowning glory.” So I dig. What does that mean? I’ve heard it a zillion times. Where did it come from? Is that scriptural?

Good ol’ Webster’s Dictionary notes this as a definition: Crowning glory - the best and most notable aspect of something; the most interesting or important thing that something or someone has to offer.

Psalm 8:4-5 What is man that You are mindful of him, And the son of man that You visit him? For You have made him a little lower than the angels, And You have crowned him with glory and honor.

Wow! We are created by God and He thinks about us. He crowned us with glory and honor!! The God of the universe has crowned us. Think about that for a moment. How it feels to know that God Himself has come in the Spirit and places a crown of glory and honor on our head - each one of us!

We are God’s BEST, above every other creature on the world. That’s who we are. It’s our rightful place - to be only a little lower than the angels. Right next to the angels! Again I say, “WoW!”

What have you done with your crown? Do you treasure it? Do you keep it free from the dirt of the world so it can stay in place and shine? Or have you let it get so heavy with the weight of the world’s muck that it has slipped down and you can’t even see who you are?

No matter what comes your way, be assured that you can stand in your rightful place. Repent if you need to. Ask God to restore to you the JOY of your salvation. Align yourself with the God who created you. That is who you are - crowned with glory and honor by God Himself!

I hope this word encourages you today to shake off whatever has gotten in your way of keeping your eyes fixed on Who He is and who you are in Him!

Be Blessed!

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