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Has This Ever Happened to You?

Do you ever open your Bible, unsuspectingly gleaning the pages, when a portion of scripture pops out at you?

When you least expect it, and often at wit's end, there it is - the glistening gem among the myriad of letters that blur out on the surrounding pages, jumping out to receive your full attention.

Grabbing hold like when Jack jumps out of the box. I’m all wound up in it, then - BAM! - the surprise ah-ha hammer to the heart, followed by a chuckle at the obviousness of knowing that if I seek, I would find.

That seems to be God’s specialty - delivering just what you need, just when you need it. Strength for today and hope for tomorrow. He’s ever faithful to speak to our hearts in ways only He can! This was the verse that did it for me today. Just what I needed!

“You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the LORD will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the LORD will be with you.’” - 2 Chronicles 20:17

God is in control. No matter what the circumstance.

THAT alone makes me #joyfulnomatterwhat!

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