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Holy Week Family Devotional

Updated: Apr 3, 2023


I have something really special for you!

Here are some daily readings and activities for the children in your life. Honestly, I think all ages will be blessed by them. I know I was!

I love providing helpful resources. Anything we can do to encourage faith and growth in God’s Word is always beneficial.

As we enter Holy Week, the week preceding Resurrection Sunday, let’s be intentional about sharing the TRUE and REAL MEANING of Easter. I am sharing these materials that will help you do just that. You can read them each day here or print them out to share with the kiddos in your life. The first daily devotional reading starts on Palm Sunday, which is THIS SUNDAY!!

⤵️ Click below to download the full Holy Week Family Devotional!

There’s also some really cool snacks that you can make to reinforce the teachings. I've included the recipes below!

For those of you who have kids and grandkids, this is a great resource! I’m hoping you’ll be able to use them to encourage your precious loved ones.

Let’s continue to strengthen and fortify those around us with daily truths.

Be blessed,

P.S. If you have any photos you’d like to share of any of the activities that you’re doing with your family, send them over! I would love to be able to post the blessings and the JOY of what Jesus is doing in real life!

P.P.S. Thank you to The Garden Fellowship church for giving your permission to share this incredible resource!

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