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How Can You Be So Joyful?

Updated: Nov 29, 2021

I have so much respect for the author C.S. Lewis and the depth of his writings. He put it so well when he said “Joy is the serious business of Heaven.”

In other words, heaven conducts its most serious business in an atmosphere of joy.

You’d better believe it! In the Kingdom of God, there is some business being taken care of. Serious business! When you apply the blood of Jesus and rejoice, transactions are made and prayers are answered.

Joy is not a cop-out for the weak. It is strength for the righteous in the tangled mess of life.

Wallowers scoff, saying “Get serious! How can you be so frivolous at a time like this? There’s no reason to be happy! ‘Joyful, no matter what?’ Yeah, right. Must be nice. I guess you’ve never had any real hardships.”

My response: Haaaaaaaa! If I began to tell you of all the hardships I’ve had - even just in the past few months, I’d never stop. I choose, however, to dwell in joy. It is my strength - my superpower from the Lord - the way I take care of business, in the face of adversity.

The offering of joy and its by-product of peace is a gift from the Spirit of God - His complimentary gift to each of us with the acceptance of His salvation. Joy is serious business!

“For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” - Romans 14:17

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