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Is Joy Related to Health?

Updated: Nov 29, 2021

Did you know there are health benefits to being joyful?!

When it comes to living a good life, being healthy and happy is at the top of most wish lists.

Can positive emotions contribute to physical well-being?

Research exploring this question has produced amazing findings. Joy, it appears, has many health benefits – from lower blood pressure to a longer life.

Study participants were asked to rate their emotional state of well-being as it relates to joy and its positive effects. There were definite benefits noted from the highs of happiness and excitement to the lows of calm, contentment.

Another measure of positive affect is smiling. It was proven that people who smile have a lower risk of coronary heart disease. Changes in physiology, such as a decrease in stress hormones or an increase in immune function are other viable benefits.

I find it super interesting to explore the effects of emotions on health. All proof of Proverbs 17:22 “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones."

It’s wonderful that JOY is considered as a “possible pathway to health”!

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