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Look What the Lord Has Done!

On a crisp winter Sunday morning December 14, 2003 - 17 years ago, I left my house in the city with my two little girls and our pretty dresses. We drove out to the country and up Gospel Lane. That was the day our lives would forever change. We had met a man named Bob 2-1/2 years earlier. He loved God and he loved us. He took our broken hearts and, with God's help, made them happy again. He earned our trust. He taught us how to smile. We laughed together.

Along with his two young boys and little girl, we met each other at the small country church at the end of the road. Our closest friends and families were there and, with our 5 kids standing by our side, we took a deep breath, said "I Do and I Will". Before God and those witnesses, we became a family.

Life has never been the same. We became husband and wife, tied together tightly in a cord of three strands with God that will never be broken. My hand flew up, praising God as everyone sang "Look What the Lord Has Done".

My heart has never been so full of love. I will praise God, My Savior, for all of my life!

"He healed my body. He healed my mind. He saved me, just in time. Oh, I've come to praise His name. Each day is just the same. C'mon and praise Him, LOOK WHAT THE LORD HAS DONE!!"

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