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Merry CHRISTmas from The Morters!

Updated: Dec 30, 2021

“I will praise you as long as I live, and in Your name I will lift up my hands.”

Psalm 63:4

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A Little Christmas Update

Right now I’ll just say we’re hanging out here in the Florida Gulf, exercising being content in all circumstances, albeit a strange feeling not being at home in the Pacific Northwest for Christmas as per the usual.

It makes the song “I’ll be home for Christmas” and phrases like “Home for the Holidays” all the more nostalgic. I can say that “all hearts do come home for Christmas” because, in spirit, our hearts are truly with our family.

Presently, I’m doing what I’ve seen exemplified so well in others who I admire - hunkering down and focusing on the immediate in front of me. For me, that’s Bob and this day that the Lord has made. My heart is glad in it because I have Jesus. He is my strength and portion and with Him, no matter what may come, I can face every tomorrow that He gifts me with graciously and joyfully!

Yesterday, today and tomorrow are always consistent and always the same for Him. That concept still blows me away as I navigate the ups and downs of my emotional human life. I’m SO thankful I have Jesus and that I can share Him with others. This, my friends, is the Truth of what Christmas is all about. Jesus, Our Savior, was born! He came to earth in human form around 2,000 years ago. He lived, He died and He rose from the dead. He conquered death and ascended to heaven where He is preparing a place for those who believe in Him. I do! Do you?!

Because of Jesus, I have an eternal life to look forward to! No matter what may come my way on this earth, my eternity is secure because I’ve asked Him into my heart. Jesus, my God, is a good Father. He leads, guides and directs me from a place of knowing and understanding. He was a human who experienced all of life’s emotions - in fact, waaaaay more that any of us have ever - or will ever have to endure. I choose to put my faith and complete trust in Him. He sees, He knows and He cares for me. I look forward to my eternity with Him one day. There’s so much JOY to come! All of this craziness in life here on earth is only a temporary setback. Because of Jesus, we have eternal hope.

These are words I do not take or give lightly. Weighty words of Truth straight from God’s Holy Word, the Bible… "May the God of HOPE fill you with all JOY and PEACE as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit." - Romans 15:13 MERRY CHRISTmas! CHRIST The Savior is born. THAT is why we celebrate!!!

Well, gotta say - this is the first time I’ve worn shorts on Christmas!

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