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My Story

Updated: May 9, 2022

I’m just a girl who loves Jesus.

Why? Because He saved my life. Literally. In 2007, I was dying and He did what no doctors could do - He healed me!

My Savior touched my dying body and healed me in a moment. I will never be the same.

I will never forget when I asked Him why and He spoke these words to me “I have healed you so you can speak life to others and fan the flame of potential in others.”

I knew this was my mandate in life. I knew He healed me for a reason - that He had a purpose for my life.

This is why I have committed to being totally available whenever, wherever God wants to use me! Bob and I have seen amazing stories of redemption unfold simply because we were willing to share His joy with whoever came into our path!

I will never let go of the joy that Jesus gave me. It is my strength.

Because of Him, I can be Joyful, No Matter What!

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Jan 24, 2023

Good morning dear sister…

Leslie had your podcast on this morning so I got to hear some of it, let’s just say I’m thankful that you’re not silent. Your podcast can be Church to some and if you were silent then some might never know Christ or grow in him. Thank you for sharing, I’m praying right now for God’s favor & Holy Spirit to overflow & Bless your ministry.

In His service


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