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People I Love!

It’s Valentine's week and I’d like to tell you a little bit about some of the many people I love...

Let's start with Samantha.

A random waitress in California who had run away from New York to start a new life. Broken and confused, God gave us a word for her and it changed the trajectory of her life… and ours!


We met singing together in a gospel choir, then life fast-forwarded to the day he got a life-changing call for a long-awaited kidney transplant. With the joy of the Lord as our strength, we rushed to the hospital, suited up (purple gloves and all), and were donned “Mr. and Mrs. Joy” from that moment on.

Today we celebrate Sonnie as that transplant was on 2/10/13 - 8 years ago today!


One day we randomly found ourselves at the Hershey chocolate factory in Hershey, Pennsylvania - “The sweetest place on earth.” We asked our friendly tour guide where we should go to church the following Sunday. Without hesitation, she invited us to come to her church. We met her entire extended family and have been close friends ever since that day!

Fun Facts: Bekah’s brothers are Ninja Warriors Bekah married Drew in 2016 (we were happy to be at their wedding) and now they are parents to beautiful twin girls!


God did a huge miracle in my life, then reminded me of a woman I had met along the way named Olivia. Through the obedience of a random phone call to her, she welcomed me into her home halfway across the nation and has been my steadfast prayer partner ever since!

Karen Wilson.

Traveling and alone near the Appalachian mountains of Tennessee, the Lord directed me to a cabin. I ended up staying with a Godly family of strangers there. Karen was part of that family who took me in. The Lord moved mightily that day as I trusted Him every step of my way. He formed an amazing bond between Karen and I that, to this day many years later, continues to glorify Him!


“The best thing in life is finding someone who knows all your flaws, mistakes, and weaknesses but still thinks you are completely amazing!”

People I love… Well, it’s no secret I love, love, love my husband Bob! He loves me just as I am and yet encourages me to be the best version of myself!!

Yolanda, Atley & Kassi.

Oh, how we love these three!

They are definite treasures in our life we will keep forever.

Our friendship started a few years back, sharing smiles with this friendly waitress while traveling through Manitoba, Canada. The next day, we ran into each other at the park, then ended up at her home having dessert and sharing stories about Jesus with her kids.


We met Mario when he gave us a carriage ride through Central Park on 4/28/14.

After the ride, we prayed with him, blessed him, and left. After a few minutes, the Lord prompted me to go back and ask him if he wanted to accept Jesus in his heart. He did! Praise God!! Mario prayed with me and asked Jesus into his heart right there on 59th Street in front of Central Park.

We always seek Mario out for a hug when we find ourselves in New York City and, most times, we go on a ride with him through the park, praising God and reliving that life-changing moment!

There are so many people in my life that I love! What a joy to introduce you to just a few very special dear ones.

Remember to show love to those who have made an impact in your life! 💗

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