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A great big Thank You to YOU, our listeners and friends!

As this, our first season of the “Joyful No Matter What” podcast, has come to a close, we want to say how much we appreciate you.

The "Joyful No Matter What" podcast is something Lauren and I have brainstormed doing for several years, and to see the timing align to record and release these conversations has been so encouraging!

We have heard from so many of you along the way about how the podcast has also met you at just the right time - at a time when you needed a bit of joy, encouragement, or support. That’s really why I started this whole thing. I have so many friends, old and new that I want to stay in touch with, and this was a way to share a bit of my heart with you all!

As much as we still have to talk about, we believe in rest. That said, we wanted to let you know that we will be taking a break from releasing new podcast episodes for now.

So, hey! As we refresh and recharge, please take some time to go back and listen through any episodes you may have missed. There are lots of nuggets for you to mine in those past episodes that will lift you up and spur you on to JOY!

You can listen to all 13 episodes at this link! ⤵️

We will keep you posted on any updates!

And REMEMBER, we can each choose to be JOYFUL NO MATTER WHAT!

Enjoy a few behind-the-scenes photos from our season 1 recording sessions!

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