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True Wisdom ~ September Scripture Writing Plan

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction."

Proverbs 1:7

This month we will look at the theme of "True Wisdom" and what Scripture says about it! I'm excited to see what Godly wisdom looks like! Are you in?

Growing in the knowledge of the Word is the most important thing we can do!

A few ways to use this plan:

➡️ Use this plan and take 5-10 minutes per day to write out the passages.

⬇️ Click below to download the True Wisdom Scripture Writing Plan!

➡️ Join my private Scripture Writing Group on Facebook and connect with other men and women who are doing this plan right along with you! You can also share your thoughts on the daily passages in the group. We all glean from each other and grow deeper in our understanding together!

Be Blessed,

*Scripture plan used with permission from

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