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Vulnerability is the Birthplace of Joy!

“Vulnerability is the birthplace of joy.” - Brene’ Brown

We live in a vulnerable world. Can we embrace it in order to birth JOY in our lives?

Can we stop screaming and start listening?!

Here’s the thing - when we numb the hard feelings, we numb joy and happiness too. It becomes a dangerous cycle.

Don’t pretend that what you do doesn’t have an impact on other people!

Love wholeheartedly and genuinely. From a deep place of giving, not receiving. It will fill you up. It’s not found in things. True joy comes from within, not without. Then it’s real!

This is a direct quote spoken by Jesus, Himself. He knows what He’s talking about! “These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.” - John 15:11

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