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We are called! We are chosen! We are His!

I was headed into an appointment this afternoon. As I was waiting I heard “Okay, Miss Heidi, we’re ready for you!”

There was something settling about being called by name. It was comforting to be addressed personally.

It got me thinking about being known. I was keenly reminded of Biblical truth.

Jesus knows my name.

He calls me by name.

Our Savior knows each one of us intimately and personally! Jesus knows where we’ve been and what we’ve walked through.

All of our hardships. Our losses. Our regrets. Our pasts, good and bad. Our parents. Our successes. Our failures. The things we’ve never told anyone. The things we’ve tried to forget. He knows it all.

"He knows our stories completely—how and why we are the people we are. He knows our stories even better than we do." (An excerpt from a book I am currently reading by Adam Weber - “Love Has A Name”)

In Isaiah 43:1 the Lord himself tells us: “I have called you by name, you are mine.”

Wow! What a sense of belonging that is! We are called. We are chosen. We are His!!

My friend, rest in His identity for you today. ❤️

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