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What Happens Next?

It’s the day after Easter. I find myself asking the question…what happens next?

What happens after Jesus rises from the dead?? What happens in the moments of His life between the resurrection and His return to heaven?

In Luke 24 we read that He lived! He walked and talked with His friends, He ate meals with them and He shared His final instructions before He returned home to heaven. It was in the mundane actives that He displayed His supernatural power just by simply being present. This was the moment He had been preparing them for.

In Matthew 28 we read Jesus’s final instructions to His disciples and to you and I. “Go and make disciples.” He said GO! Move. Shake things up. God’s ways are not the world’s ways and He gave us the authority to share His life with those in our life.

So often this sharing is in the mundane moments. It's in walking, talking, and eating with others. The question I ask myself is, am I available? Am I available to “go” when the open door presents itself?

May we live every day with the excitement of Easter Sunday. To be ready to share His love with those who come into our path!

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