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What Type of Friend Do You Need in Your Life?

Updated: Nov 29, 2021

We all have them. The friend who really motivates you to try something new. Or the friend who just takes you exactly as you are, no questions asked. Maybe the friend who will pray for you and gives great advice?

Something I am learning is that there is so much joy is celebrating the unique aspect of friendships. Each friend in my life will bring a quality that I need but I can not expect one friend to be all the qualities I need.

When we allow each other to embrace our giftings we can have healthy expectations in friendship.

Different friends can speak into different aspects of our lives and those aspects should be honored.

So, what types of friends do we need in our life?

*The FUN friend. You can just laugh and try new things together. They make whatever you are doing fun.

*The DEEP friend. They feel and think deeply. Insight and wisdom pour out of them in your conversations.

* The RELAXED friend. Come as you are friend. They are exactly who they are and you can be too.

*The OLD friend. Not in age but in a shared experience. You go way back together and have lots of stories to share about “old times”.

*The BEST friend. A friend who is truly closer than a brother (or sister). They check all the boxes for you! This is a precious friend who you should treasure.

Do you have one of each of these friends in your life? Can you think of any types of friends you need but I missed?

A friend is a gift. The best way to have a friend is to be a friend to someone in your life!!

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