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This is a question I’ve heard asked a lot lately.

Several of you have been wondering what is going on with us, why are we still in Florida? I wanted to give you a quick update. After navigating countless situations since we headed out across country the end of July, we decided when we arrived in Florida, it was time to have my shoulder checked from an injury that I had had back in March. Come to find out I had a separated AC joint and multiple tears in the bicep, tendon, and rotator cuff. There are excellent doctors in this area for sports medicine and orthopedic surgery. I was blessed to come upon one of them and have been going through pre-hab physical therapy in preparation for shoulder surgery.

God makes good out of every situation.

While we have been here we have been able to start a church on the beach, make many new friends, and see blessings unfold in enormous ways all around us. If God wanted to use my arm to bring us here and make all of these great things possible in front of us, then so be it. He will always have His way and His way is always greater than our ways!

In the name of less drama, I have not shared this prior to now. I would much rather focus on the positive than any negative that can be stirred up from my temporary setbacks.

I am in the best place possible, getting the best care possible, getting as strong as possible to be able to have the best recovery possible.

Your prayers are needed and so appreciated! 🙏🏼 Thank you!! Love y’all great big ❣️😘

HEIDI’S SURGERY: Thursday, November 11, 2021, at 8:00 am in Pensacola, Florida

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