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Why is Bible Memorization So Important?

Heidi Morter

Memorizing Scripture over the years has served me well. When situations arise, I can recall God’s Word and apply the knowledge of how to handle it. I am so thankful for my life instruction manual - The Bible.

The first Scripture I ever memorized was John 3:16 as a young child.

Then as I got older, I was encouraged by my Sunday School teacher to memorize all of the books of the Bible. I went on to learn the entire first chapter of Psalm 1 by heart. The things I learned as a child has stuck with me my entire life.

We all have to start somewhere. It’s never too late to learn and memorize! Let’s encourage each other to commit more of God’s Word to our memory!

My Sunday School teacher told me that whatever you say just before you go to sleep at night, you will remember when you wake up. That’s been true for me - the best time to implant Scripture in my memory is

by saying it as the last thing before I go to sleep, then I find myself reciting it as I wake up!


Why is Bible memorization so important?

  1. Life instruction and application.

  2. A hard copy of the Bible may not be readily available when you need it.

  3. Our right to have a Bible may be taken away, but what is in our hearts cannot be taken away!

  4. May lose eyesight.

  5. To equip, encourage and strengthen - not only for ourselves and to share with others

  6. It will stick with you throughout your lifetime!

One of the ways of memorizing scripture is through writing it out.

Now I realize that different people learn differently, so I have compiled a few supplemental resources for you. I hope you find it helpful!

For your convenience, the underlined phrases are clickable links for you to view or purchase the resources!

A great place to start is with The Bible Memory Man and the James Method!

All in all, the resource I found MOST HELPFUL is

CHECK IT OUT!! It’s a community of people who are making Scripture memory a priority.

The Bible Memory Goal has a YouTube channel that I have subscribed to and really like. It’s super helpful! Below is an introduction to his channel!

“Memorization is not only possible, but when it comes to the Word of God, it’s worth it!”

-Josh Summers

I also found this interview that Josh Summers did with Prof. Tom Meyer - “The Bible Memory Man” (We had the privilege of hearing Tom at the Museum of the Bible last October. 🤯)


For you tactical, super creatives out there —

Bible Journaling is another creative way to soak God’s Word into your brain.

Bible journaling is the process of taking notes and doodling illustrations, as well as emphasizing keywords and phrases, using various writing utensils, colors, and markings (like circles and underlines)—all within the pages of your personal Bible. You can google it or watch YouTube for more information. Kind of like scrapbooking in the margins of your Bible. Truly just a way to let your creative juices flow!

To help you with tracking your progress, I’d highly recommend downloading this app on your phone:

It’s time to start working our spiritual muscles out! 💪🏼

Let’s get serious about hiding God’s Word in our hearts through memorization. Go deep and get strong!!

Be Blessed,

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